Monetize your business

We know how important is to monetize your business the proper way. With our products, you can do this in many different ways.

It is all based on WooCommerce

We have decided to integrated WooCommerce as an eCommerce platform, so you can get all the cool stuff provided by this amazing plugin, like invoicing, sale reports, 100+ payment gateways, countless community and so much more.

WooCommerce is the most powerful free eCommerce addon for WordPress. It offers numerous payment options and all the possible solutions you might need for online store.

What are the main earning methods that you can use?

Depending on your business model, you can go in different directions, when talking about making money. Here are some of the methods that you can start with:


We have separated the fees into two types: service fees and host fees. Both types are work the same way, the only difference is which party will be affected by the fee calculation. You can manage the fees by going to Listing types (edit your listing type) Monetize Payments.

Service fees

The host fee will be collected as commission by making any sales, using the purchase action type (for example), and here is how it works:

If you have a fee of 10% on your listing type, and the sale price of the listing is $100, the system will calculate an additional %10 and the final price will be $110, when the listing owner will earn $100 and the site will collect $10 of commission.

In conclusion, the service fee will be paid by the end-user, the one making the payment.

Host fees

By other hard, the host fee will be deducted from the listing publisher’s earnings. Let’s assume that we have 15% of host fee on the previous example. Then the profile for the listing owner will be $85 and $15 will be collected by the site owner.

Payment processing

There are different methods to process the payment. In some occasions, you may need to change only a part and not the full amount, especially if the final price is a large amount.

Here are the payment processing methods that you can use:

  • Process full payment
  • Process percentage payment
  • Process only security deposit
  • Process only service fee
  • Process full payment locally

You can manage this by going to admin dashboard, then navigate to Listing types (edit any listing type) Monetize Payments.

Enable listing pricing

Some action types require purchase action type, in order to calculate the final price.

In order to enable the listing pricing, just go to your admin dashboard, then navigate to Listing Types (edit your listing type) Listing Pricing, then check the option Allow pricing. This will trigger the price for your submission page and anywhere needed.

Other useful options that you can consider in the same section are:

  • Price is not required -–- Check this option if your listings can be for free.
  • Allows extra pricing -–- Check this if you want to allow the users to add additional prices like additional fees.
  • Allow addons -–- This option will allow the users to add additional pricing options for extra charge.


This is something very important you should keep in mind. All the payments will be processed through the WooCommerce. This will create a user order for every purchase in the site.

The order will appear in the user dashboard, under Orders, and also in the backend, under WooCommerce Orders.


Please note that an order with status Complete, is required, in order to trigger any actions. By default, and based on your payment methods, your orders may appear with status Processing.

You need to complete these order manually, once you have verified a success payment, or you can use a 3rd party plugin, like this one, to do it automatically.

Manage the user earnings and transactions

All the user transactions will appear under Users Earnings, using the registration email of the user. In this section you can keep a track on the user’s earnings, payouts and every transaction that was made. You can also delete and add new transactions, but you have to pay some extra attention when doing that.

In this category:


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