
If you need to have listing reviews in your listings, we do support it, and it is a great feature. We have included media uploads, so each review can also share some media gallery, uploaded by the review published or the end-user.

How does it works?

The reviews are simple WordPress comments with some additional meta values for ratings, media uploads. And because we are using the default comment posts, you will be able to use all the cool features, provided by WordPress for the comments, like comment approval, spam control and more.

User engagement

We also support comments for engaged users, which means, that only users that took specific action will be able to leave a review. This way you can limit the submission of false reviews.

Rating criteria

Each review can include multiple custom rating items that you can easily manage from your back-end. Navigate to your admin dashboard, then go to Listing Types (edit your listing type) Listing Reviews, then use the Add rating criteria modules to build your rating items.

Enable the post comments

You also need to make sure that the post comments are enabled for your listings.

Add the single listing review module

Once, you are ready with all that, you need to render the reviews in your single listing page. Just navigate to Listing Types (edit your listing type) Display Single page, and add the Review module.

This should be all! 🙂


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Support us by leaving a great review

The best way to support us is by leaving a great review + 5 stars. We will send positive vibes back to you :)