Extending templates (Overriding templates via a child theme)

We know that sometimes you may need to change our layouts or add additional elements to your site. This is why, our framework was built with simple template system, that allows you to override the layouts. You can do that using a child theme.

Extending the theme templates

Copy templates from the theme /[theme-name]/templates/[template-name] to your child theme in /templates/[template-name].

Extending Routiz templates

Routiz plugin is our core framework that provides all the functionalities for a listing & directory theme.

Copy templates from Routiz plugin /routiz/templates/[template-name] to your child theme in /templates/routiz/[template-name].

Warning: Do not edit these files within the core plugin itself or the main theme as they are overwritten during the upgrade process and any customizations will be lost

Template engine

We are using Blade Templates engine, which is a simple, yet powerful template engine that is included with Laravel framework.

Remember, if you are making any changed to your templates, you need to enable WP_DEBUG mode, in order to flush the templates. Once, you are ready, you can turn it off.


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