Change log

Please keep the backup of current website before updating theme or plugin.

29 Aug 24
Fix Resolved the submission page redirection issue.
27 Aug 24
New Add service fees to the mobile bar along with the price on single listing page.
New Add the explore page title to the global explore page.
New Add service fees and base price for the booking appointment action type.
New Add a feature to skip listing type selection if only one listing type is active.
Fix Resolve the issue where attached media is not being deleted after a listing submitted from the frontend is removed from the trash.
Fix Resolve the issue where the editor field is not displaying the editor options.
Fix Resolve the issue with the Elementor listing widget.
Fix Resolve the issue of overlapping options in the report listing section.
Imp Update WooCommerce outdated theme template files.
4 june 24
New Add search by status filter in front-end dashboard on entries tab for listing.
New Add rating description text on listing card and single listing page.
New Add search filter text on explore page according to the search just below the listing type name.
Fix Fixed Separate child price calculation issue in booking hourly action type.
Fix Fixed search result issue on explore page when the listing type is disabled.
Fix Fixed Facebook login issue. Add following URL in the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs option: and save the changes. (Domain name should be correct)
Imp Hide Listing submission button ( CTA ) for customer account users.
Imp Update WooCommerce outdated theme template files.
3 Apr 24
Fix Fixed the social buttons redirecting issue.
Fix Resolved the issue where the user avatar wasn't updating from the frontend dashboard within the admin dashboard.
Fix Resolved the issue where the blog page title was not updating according to the page title.
Fix Fixed blog page breadcrumb's issue.
Fix Resolved depreciated and other warning errors on PHP 8 version
Imp The check-in and checkout dates are included in the WooCommerce order email.
Imp The children price not showing on frontend in entry edit popup.
Imp Within the Listing Elementor widget, you can now select multiple listing types simultaneously.
Imp In listing-type actions, the plain text field now includes an option for adding short codes.
13 Feb 24
New Add a new filter in dashboard to filter listing according to their status in a particular listing type
Fix Fix footer available fields in admin dashboard are not showing on footer.
Fix Fix blog page title and it's breadcrumbs are not updating according to the given page name to blog page.
Fix Fix warning messages on frontend dashboard, single listing and home page.
Imp Modify all theme and plugins files to make it compatible with latest PHP version
29 Nov 23
New Add custom taxonomies count in admin dashboard-->taxnomoies.
Fix Files are not uploading by their orginal name.
Fix Issue sending link in chat conversation on frontend.
Fix Phone Number field required issue on enable or disable checkbox from admin dashboard-->listing type-->settings-->auth.
Fix Plan issue in admin, Showing wrong count for same plan on different users according to the plan selection.
Fix Long term discount calculation issue.
Imp Block multiple slot booking on booking hourly action type.
Imp Past time slot will not book on current date according to the current time on booking hourly action type.
23 Aug 2023
New Add Clear all notification button in frontend notification sidebar.
New Add Phone number field validation on sign up form.
New Add Sign out module add for mobile bar.
New Add RTL support in languages in installed language list.
New Add users email and phone number contact information on user profile page.
Fix Fix select2 type all options are not visible in listing single page.
Fix Fix price range filter maximum and minimum price issue in search form.
Fix Fix explore page listings not showing up on disabling frontend submission.
Fix Fix Booking appointment timing issue on frontend dashboard entries tab.
Fix Fix appointment sold out issue on appointment booking.
Fix Fix listing report issue on reporting multiple listing.
Fix Fix top-rated widget issue in elementor.
Imp Update WooCommerce outdated theme template files.
14 Apr 23
New Added listing type filter in user dashboard on frontend.
New Add a new functionality to give separate child base price as percentage.
Imp Update woocommerce theme template for latest wocommerce plugin version 7.5.1
Fix Fix google login issue in theme.
Fix Fix child discount price calculation on long term discount.
Fix Fix Appointment day booking typo mistake and add instruction message on adding custom period.
13 Jan 23
Fix Fixed the delete button in listings on frontend user dashboard.
Fix Seasonal price is working with current and next year.
Fix On orders fixed the date format in admin dashboard.
Fix Fixed the responsiveness of frontend user dashboard order view page.
Imp Updated the theme woocommerce templates files with latest version of woocommerce.
2 Nov 22
Fix Resolve the google captcha issue on new user registration time.
Fix In email notifications template “links” tag is working now.
Fix Set the reservation date format issue on user dashboard ->listings, checkout page and on thank you page.
New On user listing submission added the WYSIWYG Editor for Editor field.
Imp On reservation time in hourly reservations on date select time, in the action sidebar “with button select”, when users are not logged in, They should see a button that refers the user to the login.
30 Aug 22
New Option to set a discount price for the Children.
New Add number of guests with children and adult’s details in cart and order page.
New During registration add Google captcha with theme option.  Option in admin dashboard to enable and disable captcha.
Imp Add tool tip icon for service fee.
Imp Add listing featured image in cart item on checkout page.
Imp Seasonal Price for current month.
Fix Change date format in order details page in frontend and admin.
Fix Fixed forgot password email bug.
4 July 22
Imp Redesign Woocommerce thank you page.
Imp Timezone issue, Resolve the timezone issue for local time.
Imp ICalendar Import and Export video add in documentation.
New Booking entry add print button on view order & thank you page.
New Add tooltips option in theme settings for the service fee.
New Add FAQ field for single listing.
New Add option for; able to hide user icon in the header + notifications icon.
New Ability to disable listings from account dashboard.
Fix Bug when click search filters and more filters get overlay.
Fix Delete media if listing is deleted from the admin.
Fix Gallery modal - be able to swipe on mobile.
Fix “user billing number” users will get billing phone number in the email as well during registration process.
Fix Show phone number field in edit account section if phone number enable.
13 Feb 22
New Gallery module in single listing page, can now display downloadable files
Fix Fix Mapbox issue on mobile, while expanding the action types
Fix Fix for Elementor `Types` widget on mobile
Fix Fixed compatibility issue with WooCommerce
Fix Fixed `Undefined` message on signup process
Fix General CSS fixed
Fix General JavaScript fixes
Imp Improved admin options and usability
Imp Minor PHP improvements
Imp Improved performance and SEO
Imp Optimized DOM elements
6 Jan 22
Imp Improved availability search
Imp Entry date formatting
Fix Fixed issue with Mapbox address selection
Fix Fixed issue with entry generation on hourly reservations with instant booking
Fix Submission page - issue with shortcode rendering
Fix General PHP fixes
Fix General CSS and JavaScript fixes
24 Nov 21
Fix Issue with seasonal calculation
Fix Mapbox gray spacing appearing on canvas
10 Nov 21
Fix Minor PHP fix
9 Nov 21
Imp Allow decimal pricing for additional guests
Imp Mapbox fixes and improved reverse geocoding
Imp General PHP, JavaScript and CSS improvements, bug fixing
Imp While searching with selected number of guests, preserve the guest selection when opening a listing
Imp Improved earning calculations
Imp Service fees will be be applied on addons and extra services
Imp Added term description to archive pages
Fix Elementor widgets - missing icons
4 Nov 21
New Mapbox GL - integration with alternative map provider
Fix Minor bug fixing
20 Oct 21
Fix Missing templates for entries section
Fix Google sign in button not working whitin the registration section
Fix Gallery box - next image not loading correctly, follow-up issue
Fix Primary search - fixed overflow with floating menus on mobile
Fix Logo appearance on mobile inside the navigation menu
Fix Label encoding for addons and services inside the entry description
Imp WooCommerce order - display listing name
11 Oct 21
Fix Listing box - gallery: next image not loading
8 Oct 21
New Admin dashboard > listings: a new filter was added to search by listing type
Imp While searching for specific dates, preserve the date selection when opening a listing
Imp Date selection filter was not working properly in some occasions
Fix Lighbox +1 icon opening the wrong image stack
Fix Entries modal displaying empty content and other missing templates
Fix Fixed H1 tag with content "Insert/edit link". HTML editor was replaced with textarea in order to fix the problem
Fix General bug fixing and improvements
1 Oct 21
Fix Error message in user dashboard after deleting a listing
Fix Response time dummy text in the user's public page was replaced
Fix Listing submission with non-existing listing type vulnerability
1 Oct 21
New Demo remake
New The listing adaptive cover can now display embed code, including street map view and videos
New Now you can display additional galleries in the single listing page. Learn more.
New New notification has been added for new payout requests
Imp Geolocation improvements and fixes
Imp Improved plan submission
Imp Improved listing expiration
Imp Improved demo import process
Imp Improved submission process
Imp Improved listing views and tracking
Imp Addon now allows negative amounts
Imp New option, that allows you to sort the promoted listings randomly on top of your explore pages
Imp Include assets source files (for developers)
Imp Updated documentation
Imp General PHP fixes and improvements
Imp General CSS fixes and improvements
Imp General JavaScript fixes and improvements
Fix Missing account pages after importing the demo content
Fix Icons sets uploader not working on Macos
Fix Claimable listings, submitted from the front-end submission form, will appear as claimed
Fix Retrieve correctly the user profile picture when suing a social sign in
Fix Action type - purchase, fixed earnings calculation
21 May 21
Fix PHP fix - sign up
Fix List view missing left margin
19 May 21
New Recurring payments for listing plans
New New geolocation experience - now using the explore map bounds
New Geolocation new feature - search as I move the map
New New option in the back-end to restrict Google Places by country
New New action type - purchase
New Listing box new layout - list view
New New option in the back-end for listing expiration date
New Notifications on mobile to display the number of active site notifications
New New mobile bottom bar to display text labels
New Favorite icon will now appear next to the map markers
New New section to manage user earnings
New New notification has been added for incoming reviews
New New notification for approved listings
Imp Improved notifications, webhooks and reservation webhook - new pre-defined fields, now it is possible to use custom post meta field
Imp Improved seo + new admin option to use the listing first gallery image as featured image
Imp Option for minimum payout amount
Imp Sing up - fixes and improvements
Imp Sign up - new field for phone number
Imp Sign up - new field for terms and conditions
Imp Allow sign in by username
Imp Option to promote listings ( boost visibility ) through the submission plans
Imp More filters - new option to select `more filters` form
Imp Improved appointment intervals
Imp Option to submit multiple reviews on single listing
Imp Json-ld now moved to custom handler
Imp Search by single day availability
Fix Timezone issues
Fix Updated WooCommerce templates
Fix Missing conversation messages in the admin area
12 Apr 21
New New notification - a business claim has been sent
Fix Cron - update the status of `pending payment` entries after X days
Fix Cron - register_activation_hook, register_deactivation_hook - multisite
Fix Uploading images with special characters in the name trhough the front-end
Fix After signup the preloader keeps spinning
Fix General layout fixes
Fix General php issues
Imp Opening hours - all day open / closed was added
Imp Hook for open hours time interval
Imp General css improvements
Imp General js improvements
Imp Geolocation radius distance option was added
Imp Option to leave the price not required and have free listings
Imp Demo import was showing empty explore results
24 Mar 21
Fix General fixes
Fix Webhook trigger button was added
Imp New cover type on mobile
Imp Review system
Imp Top rated sorting
24 Mar 21
Fix Several issues that appeared after the previous update
22 Mar 21
New Notifications
New Listing gallery layout
New Integration with zoom or other communication platforms through webhooks
New Option to disable front-end submission for specific listing type
New Plain text and shortcode support was added in the submission form
New Option to define the default user role: customer or business
New Option to open listings in a new tab
New New explore page layout: 3 column listings
Imp Mobile action bar was changed
Imp Comments and review calculation
Imp Custom icons
8 Feb 21
New Option to import custom icons using the IcoMoon App
New Elementor compatibility. Our default pages modules were replaced with Elementor widgets
New Geolocation field
New Improved dashboard design / split for 2 user roles: customer & business
New Sign in: option to select user role
New Sign in: set password and bypass the default wp reset password process
New Admin option to duplicate listing types
New Option to set number format
New Enable other user roles to switch listing ownership in admin
New Daily bookings: single day selection
New Daily bookings: overlapping booking dates
New Appointment bookings
New Appointment bookings: date ranges
New Appointment bookings: recurring dates
New Appointment bookings: limit per appointment
New Added signup buttons for user roles
New Admin option: set default map location when there are no markers
Imp General style imrovements
Imp General performance improvements
Imp General responsiveness improvements
Imp General style imrovements
9 Jan 21
Fix Free plan limit reached
Fix Messages not appearing in account dashboard
Fix Submission page, issue on safari, not scrolling to top
Fix Submission empty section `Reservation` was appearing
Fix Fixed social login issue not redirecting
Fix Fix standard login issue error
Fix Edit listing from account dashboard error in modal
Fix Missing translation strings in account dashboard
Imp Text block will now render html
Imp Listing mobile bar added price format
Imp Sticky sidebar visibility when the sidbear is overlapping with the screen resolution in the single listing page
Imp Added the option to remove the current listing counter from the submission page
Imp Blade engine compilation
Imp Hourly bookings show time range in entity record
Imp Title tag for carousel search bottom text
Imp Logo svg improvements + display on mobile
5 Jan 21
Fix Compatibility error after update v1.2
4 Jan 21
New Child theme included in package bundle
New Hourly booking action type
New New submission process
New Referral link ( button ) action type
New Booking calendar in user dashboard for better booking control + option to disable dates
New Booking cancellations
New Instant booking
New Seasonal pricing
New Long term pricing > 7+, 30+ days
New Security deposit
New Extra pricing > like cleaning fee
New Addon pricing > like airport pick
New Allow min / max guest selection
New Guest based pricing
New Host fee
New iCalendar: 2 way synchronization
New Payment processing types > like pay only 20%, or pay only for security deposit
New Content module in page and single listing for plain text, it could be used for adding plain text, shortcodes, or ads
New Notifications button for mobile bar
New Duplicate repeater item
New Add favorite button to single listing page
New Merged listing types > now you can display multiple listing types in the explore page when no listing type is being specified
New Option in back-end > only customers can leave a review
New Page element: cards
New Logo svg suport
New Single page meta items > output types like links, location, phone number
New New stepper style that allows you to enter number manually
Fix Claim business to appear `Claimed` + option in the back-end to claim it
Fix Filter panel bottom not visible on mobile
Fix Mark as read notification button
Fix Box cover images not working with just an image selected
Fix Elementor breaking icons
Fix Reports missing their comment in the back-end
Fix Listing account edit modal > required fields not working
Fix Meta input to show icon on mobile
Fix Filter labels displaying `undefined` when there is no title
Fix Number format
Fix Number filter was not working with large numbers like > 9999999
Imp Autocomplete field
Imp Listing single page > when there is no listing action type > display full page width
Imp Boxes and Trending boxes now using css `grid` for better mobile rendering
Imp Module drag-and-drop builder
Imp Listing pricing + calculations
7 Dec 20
New Multiple action types
New Claim business for free or with pricing pachage
New Json-ld schema
New Wide page ( full-width ) is now available for the pages and the homepage
New Left alignment of page modules, including the homepage
New Dark page mode was integrated
New Dark header mode
New New header style was added
New Page listing module includes slider
New Page module full height
Fix Sending a chat messages was duplicating the submission button
Fix Mark as read notification button
Fix Guest filter was not working correctly
Fix Autocomplete field
Imp Full listing width
Imp Homepage module "Boxes" rendering on mobile
Imp Page modules background image and color
Imp Open hours now can be expanded by default


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